An Outline of Non-Wartime Communist Atrocities
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Web Publications
"Stalin's Great Purge: Boy Executed For Two Loaves Of
Soviet penalty for "slacking off" on the job: execution
Cannibalism: The plague of the Marxist world.
Capitalism vs. Communism: Which system best
controls pollution? "The answer is surely capitalism.
"Amazing Miracles That Communism Couldn’t Stop."
Khmer Rouge Tribunal: only days after her husband was
executed, woman was forced to marry a stranger.
North Korea: 'We were forced to eat grass and soil.'
Chinese mother forced to abort at nine months. Baby
briefly survives,dies in mother's arms.
Paul Kengor: "If you haven’t read the Communist
Manifesto, do so, and you’ll be shocked by the sheer
fantasy and sophistry....It has never ceased to amaze
me that his silly ideas could have appealed to anyone."
This is how Fidel Castro persecuted gay people.
"Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill."
NYU hires Marxist after he calls for genocide.
Websites and Blogs
Walter E. Williams:
Walter E. Williams Home Page
"Fascism and Communism"
The Morality Of Redistribution
"The Ugly Racism of Karl Marx"
Politics / The Fight for Human
Freedom / "Communism"
"In Favour of Capitalism"
"The mind of the left - The
continued appeal of socialism
and totalitarianism to the young"
R.J. Rummel
Death By Government
Bryan Caplan
Museum of Communism FAQ
Ten Reasons Why We Must
Remain Anti-Communist
Mises Institute: Austrian Economics,
Freedom and Peace
Competitive Enterprise Institute